





Did it need to be done so soon 这事需要这么快就做吗

She can’t bear to be laughed at. 她受不了被人嘲笑。

There was business to be taken care of. 有生意要人管理。

It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后见分晓。

There was a lot of rubbish to be got rid of. 有大量垃圾需要扔掉。



I’m pleased to have been given this opportunity. 给了我这次机会我很高兴。

It’s said to have been built in the Ming dynasty. 据说它是明朝修建的。


1. 基本用法


Not a sound was to be heard. 听不到一点声音。

I had to shout to be heard. 我必须叫喊对方才能听得见。

There remains one matter still to be discussed. 有一个问题尚待讨论。

It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good. 它对我们是利是害,还得看看再说。

2. 主动表被动


The house is to let. 此屋出租。

The box was too heavy to lift. 箱子太重,拿不起来。

The question is difficult to answer. 这问题很难回答。



1. Little Jim should love ________ to the theatre this evening. A. to take B. to be taken C. to bring D. to be brought

2. Why not ________ going by boat for a change A. trying B. tried C. to try D. try

3. Charles Babbage is generally considered ________ the first computer. A. to invent B. having invented C. to have invented D. inventing

4. Today will be a busy day because I have a lot of work ________ . A. to do B. to be done C. done D. being done

5. I really don't know ________ or to leave. A. if to stay B. if stay C. whether to stay D. whether stay

6. I've worked with children before, so I know ________ in my new job. A. what expect B. to expect what C. expect what D. what to expect

7. ________ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. A. Sleeping B. Sleep C. To sleep D. Having slept

8. Please find a room for us ________ this evening. A. to stay B. staying C. staying in D. to stay in

9. It is nice ________ you to help me with my English. A. of B. for C. with D. to

10. Hibernating animals (冬眠动物) have no choice but ________ down to sleep in winter. A. lie B. lying C. to lie D. lay

11. I am determined to do what I can ________ my English. A. improve B. raise C. to raise D. to improve

12. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to

13. The boy's eyes need ________ with great care. A. to examine B. examined C. to be examined D. to be examining

14. —Was the work difficult —Not at all. It was easy ________ . A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. to have done

15. —Was he preparing for the exam yesterday evening —Yes, he's ________ it next month. A. to give B. to take C. to make D. to do


1. B。take带走(去);bring带来。另外,主语Jim与动词take之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系。

2. D。考查固定句型“Why not do ...”。

3. C。不定式所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,故应使用不定式的完成式。

4. A。不定式作定语时,既可以与其所修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的主谓关系,也可以与其所修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系。当不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语或谓语动词的宾语时,不定式应使用主动形式。

5. C。与不定式连用,并且要表达“是否”之意时,只能用whether,不能用if。

6. D。动词不定式作tell, show, know, decide, learn, teach, discuss等动词的宾语时,不定式前面可以带疑问代词、疑问副词或连词whether等,即:who, whom, what, which, when, where, why, how, whether等 + to do。

7. C。不定式作目的状语。

8. D。当不及物动词的不定式形式作定语,且该不定式与其所修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,其后需使用必要的介词。例如:a river to swim in, a person to laugh at, nothing to worry about, a chair to sit in, a hotel to stay at, a pen to write with等等。

9. A。不定式的逻辑主语既可以用for sb.也可以用of sb.来表示。当形容词强调人的品质、特点时,要用of sb.。常见的这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, bad, polite, rude, wrong, right, clever, careless等。

10. C。but用作介词时,后面可接带to或不带to的不定式。除了短语can't help but do, can't choose but do, do but do 之外,介词but后常跟带to的不定式。have no choice but to... 表示“除了之外毫无选择;只好”

11. D。考查不定式作目的状语。

12. B。so as to do或in order to do在句中作目的状语,其否定形式为so as not to do和in order not to do。

13. C。动词need后面的动词作其宾语,且与need的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,need后面的动词可用doing或to be done两种形式。

14. A。动词不定式跟在某一形容词后作状语,且这个形容词用来说明主语的性质、品质、特征等时,不定式通常使用一般式,而不使用被动式。再如: The box is too heavy to carry. He finds English difficult to learn.

15. B。考查不定式作表语。“be+不定式”可用来表示将来。take an exam参加考试。


