students, we are going to get off here. well, we've come to the squarenow.
at the beginning, dr. sun yat sen had shown his wish to sleep here beforehe died. on the day of dr. sun yat sen's death, a preparatory committee for thefuneral was set up, in the charge of his wife song qingling and his son sun that time, the setting of his old man's mausoleum was still people said that mr. sun was an emperor, and his mausoleum should be builtaccording to the emperor's mausoleum, such as xiaoling mausoleum of ming dynastyand sun quan's mausoleum; some people say that mr. sun carried on the past andopened up the future. he overthrew the feudal imperial society for more than20__ years and established a democratic republic. he should be different fromthe previous emperors, so his mausoleum should be special. in the end, there wasno choice but to solicit the design of the tomb from the whole society. finally,lu yanzhi, a young designer from shandong province, designed this alarm typescheme and was awarded the first prize.
well, we are standing at the bottom of the alarm bell at that time. behindus is xiaojing ding, which was donated by the teachers and students of sun yatsen university. when dr. sun yat sen died, there was a last word that said, "therevolution has not yet been successful, comrades need to work hard, and thealarm bell should ring forever." looking down from the air, we can see manyplaces different from other emperors' mausoleums.
for example, other emperors' mausoleums will have stone people, stoneanimals and other sacrifices or weng zhong. of course, dr. sun yat sen can'thave such things. ok, let's take a look at this half moon shaped alarm are eight cedar trees in nanjing. these eight cedars represent the eightsoldiers guarding the mausoleum for dr. sun yat sen. when the kuomintang wasliberated in nanjing in those years, they all withdrew to the south, but thesoldiers guarding the mausoleum for dr. sun yat sen did not withdraw until thesoldiers of the communist party came and handed over. then some people guesswhether dr. sun yat sen's mausoleum is in this place, whether it's in guangdongor in zhongshan. there are many kinds of opinions, so there must be no doubtthat his mausoleum and his body are here.
in front of this square, there is a memorial archway, which still followsthe architectural style of ancient emperors' mausoleums. the memorial archway isused to sing praises. well, there are two words "fraternity" on the top of thememorial archway, written by dr. sun yat sen himself. in fact, it is also a highdegree of generalization and portrayal of the elderly. well, please see, the twopillars in the middle of this fraternity square are a little different. thesecond one is connected to the middle. once, zhongshan mausoleum was bombed bythe japanese, and this one was added later.
now we are at lingmen. first of all, the color of tiles is blue. some timeago, i told you that in chinese garden architecture and chinese tradition, tilesare generally black, because they belong to water in the five elements. watercan suppress fire, which can prevent fire. in the traditional chinese concept ofthe five elements, why is it blue? because the representative color of thekuomintang is blue, which represents the day and the sky. we can see that theupper part of the mausoleum gate in the middle is broken. why is it broken?there are many theories. some say that it was blown up by the japanese. otherssay that there was not enough money when it was built. in fact, there was alittle error in the design at that time, it was made up later. later, the moneywas donated by the people of nanjing. when lien chan came to the mainland lastyear, he went this way just like us.
why did lien chan and james soong first go to zhongshan mausoleum when theycame to the mainland? because sun yat sen is not only the father of china, butalso the father of chinese taiwan, because a series of his ideas are recognized by mr. lian zhan came to zhongshan mausoleum, he wrote four words: beautifulmausoleum in zhongshan. his name is written on the back, just six words, and zhan has written three wrong words. why? his education level is not high?ha ha, i'm kidding.
the beautiful words of meiling in zhongshan are missing one horizontal. whyis it missing one horizontal? it's because mr. lian zhan thinks that the twosides of the chinese taiwan strait have not yet been reunified, and there is not enoughin the united states. the word "ling" is missing. the following is another isn't it beside the anti article? because he wants to tell the mainlandgovernment that the kmt government in chinese taiwan has always recognized one china,and he came to china 60 years later. the word "war" is a little less, becausethe word "war" means "zhan" and "ge", which means "war". he didn't say that thechinese don't fight the chinese. nanjing is a heavy city, but the reason is thatits historical and cultural foundation is too deep.