





①The next train to arrive is from Washington.

②Do you have anything to be taken to your sister

③Do you have anything to say on the question

④Would you please give me some paper to write on

⑤My wish to visit France has come true at last.



1. 主谓关系 被修饰的名词或代词实际上是不定式的逻辑主语。

如:We need someone to help with the work. (someone will help with the work) 我们需要有人来帮忙干这工作。

2. 动宾关系 被修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。

如:I have many letters to write. (to write many letters)我有许多信要写。

3. 同位关系 不定式与所修饰的名词指的是一回事。

如:We have made a plan to learn from Lei Feng. 我们制定了一个向雷锋学习的计划。

4. 状语关系 被修饰的名词实际上表示动词不定式动作的方式、时间等。这些名词多是抽象名词。

如:That's the way to do it. 那样做才对。I have no time to go there. 我没有时间去那儿。



(1)I have no time to go to the movie.

(2)There"s no need to send for a doctor.

(3) Where"s the best place to meet

(4)Is that the way to do it

(5)I"m not sure about his ability to complete the task alone 但是只能做后置定语.不可能前置的.




I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在找一间屋子住。

I need a piece of paper to write on. 我需要一张写字用的纸。

There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。


如:He had no money and no place to live.他没有钱也没有地方住。




There is nothing to do. 无事可做。(有"无聊感")

There is nothing to be done. 不能做什么了。(即"束手无策"了)

There is nothing to see. 没有东西值得看。

There is nothing to be seen. 什么东西也看不见。




1. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to __________. a. sit b. sit on c. be sat d. be sat on

2. I'm hungry. Get me something __________. a. eat b. to eat c. to be eat d. for eating

3. It is difficult for a foreigner __________ Chinese. a. write b. to write c. to be written d. written

4. I have no more letters __________, thank you. a. to type b. typing c. to be typed d. typed

5. The car is rather difficult __________. a. to repair b. to be repaired c. repairing d. being repaired

6. He was nowhere __________. a. to see b. to be seen c. seeing d. seen

7. She had no money __________ a birthday present for their children. a. to buy b. to be bought c. bought d. buying

8. We waited for the work __________. a. done b. being done c. to do d. to be done

1. He seems ___ the old lady. A. knowing B. to be knowing C. to know D. to be known

2. Tom ___ when they spoke ill of him. A. happened to be passed B. happened to be passing by C. happened passing by D. happened to passed

3. We all hope ____ scientists. A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became

4. The boy refused ____ for climbing the tall tree. A. to pay B. to be paid C. being paid D. paying

5. I happened ____ the article when he asked me about it. A. having read B. to have read C. to be read D. reading

6. ______ with him is a great pleasure. A. To talk B. Talk C. Talked D. To talking

7. It is nice _____ your voice. A. to hear B. hear C. heard D. to be hearing

8. _____ is to struggle. A. Living B. Live C. To live D. To be lived

9. Her wish is ____ a doctor. A. becoming B. become C. to become D. being come

10. I was just about ____ the office when the phone rang. A. leaving B. leave C. to leave D. to leaving

答案: 1—5BBBAA 6—8 BAD 1-10 CBBAB AACCC


