有一天,我的“作家”老爸给我抄来一首小诗,诗的题目是《一碗油盐饭》:前天/我放学回家/锅里有一碗油盐饭。/昨天/我放学回家/锅里没有一碗油盐饭。/今天/ 我放学回家/炒了一碗油盐饭/放在妈妈的坟前。我一眼扫过这首小诗的时候还在懵懵状态。第二遍细读这首小诗时,我的泪水流了下来。为了这样的一位在生命的最后时光还要给孩子准备一碗油盐饭的母亲,为了这样的一位贫寒与凄苦中竭尽全力给孩子以仁爱、温馨和慈善的母亲。透过凄风苦雨,我似乎看见:在千千万万的贫困乡村里,有着千千万万这样穷困而伟大的母亲!
An American inspirational story, " Pursuit Of Happyness", it has a lot of feeling. It is only after some hardships that each of us knows what pleasure is. In this article, Chris has experienced the most difficult stage of life. In the last step of the tribulation, the final success. The film also became popular applause of the American inspirational article. Perhaps the inspirational story has a common story, which is the ultimate success of the masters life through the rugged course of life. But if its not such a result, can it be an inspirational piece?
The movie mainly describes the heroine Chriss efforts to go up and fight hard, and eventually transformed from an ordinary salesman to a staff member of a big company he dreamed of. In response to the frustrations of fate, the difficulty of coping with survival and the attitude to life, it was deeply shocked by the calm, leisurely and persistent. His dream is to become an investment expert. However, to deal with the hardships of life, his wife had left him. His sorrow and helpless again and again hurt me, live in torment him, looked at the landlord because he can not afford to pay the rent, he and his son angrily will throw things outside the room, and he was only with a tired heart, dragging the beloved son, began to wander around for shelter. When father and son two snuggled in the corner of the public toilet, when someone wanted to be convenient recently, he used his feet to support, locked the door behind him, and didnt dare to make a sound, and tears of pain and sadness came down. Life, why torture such a person with hard. On the one hand he strenuously through 6 months of unpaid internships; on the one hand he wants to sell medical instrument to life; the one hand he wants to protect the young son to spirit. It will always be rewarding when it comes to hard work. Chris finally got the pleasure, and when the boss told Chris Garner to join the company, his eyes were full of tears. Chris Garner rushed to the nurseries and his son. He felt that he was no longer ashamed of his son, no longer disappointing to life, and no more frustration. Finally All sufferings have their reward..
The film left me with one of the deepest impressions of Chriss tears. When he and his son were evicted from rental housing, he led his son to find a place to live. His others and sisters refused him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son from the difficulties he faced. So they went to a public toilet and spent a night in a couple of hits. Chris cried, and he was not crying for such a difficulty. But let his son and he suffer all, let him feel sorry for his son. This point makes him a benevolent and respectable father. His affection for his son was so strong and profound. Another scenario is that he was hired as the official oker, he cried, thought to share the pleasure time man is his son with him, can feel how much he loved his son.
Destiny is in the hands of self, you can overnight is rich, is also able to overnight become a homeless person, when everything happens not discouraged, where fall in where to climb up and believe that as long as you continue to pay hard, everything will get better, it is not good to be scared of fate, it is not good to be self defeating.
Lets see these scenes can not help tears trickling down cheeks. A moving scene, from one to the other, can feel power. What we lack is such power. We want to succeed, we want to be ave, and when we deal with difficulties and setbacks, are we also strong will and belief support? So, when everything comes, we dont panic anymore. Because we dont think the world is terrible. The horror is the belief of self, and if the faith is right, the will of the will will succeed.