各位老师.下午好.首先我先简单的介绍自己我叫张梦丽,来自深圳职业技术学院.下面我为大家精彩的介绍深圳世界之窗,,..深圳是一个美丽的城市.很开心这次由我小丽带领大家去参观世界之窗 下面由我为大家介绍我身边这位严师傅,严师傅有多年的驾驶经验,所以大家在行车的过程中可以完全放心。在深圳的这两天游玩里,将有小周和严师傅为大家提供服务。我们衷心的希望成为大家的好朋友,如果在本次旅行当中大家有什么问题或要求,可以尽管提出来,我们会尽全力为大家去解决。
路线;;欧洲法国埃菲尔铁塔..欧洲法国凯旋门,,--亚洲印度泰姬陵. ----埃及金字塔---大洋洲悉尼歌剧院---美洲尼亚加拉瀑布
深圳世界之窗其中包括世界著名景观埃及金字塔、阿蒙神庙、柬埔寨吴哥窟、美国大峡谷、巴黎雄狮凯旋门、梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂、印度泰姬陵、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院、意大利比萨斜塔等等。这些景点分别以1:1、1:5、1:15等不同比例仿建精致绝伦惟妙惟肖。有些景点气势非常壮观。如缩小为三分之一比例的法国埃菲尔铁塔高108米巍然耸立,游人可乘观光电梯到塔顶饱览深圳市和香港风光。缩小的尼亚加拉大瀑布面宽有八十多米落差十多米水流飞泻吼声震天声势浩大。喷吐岩浆的夏威夷火山以及百米喷泉令游客叹为观止。作为景区活动中心的世界广场可容纳游客万余人正面有十尊世界著名雕塑广场四周耸立着108根不同风格的大石柱和近两千多平方米的浮雕墙还有象征世界古老文明发祥地的六座巨门一座华丽的舞台将有世界各地的艺术家表演精彩的节目让游客在文化和艺术的氛围中尽情享受。 在一片浓郁的荔枝园里,有五十多尊世界名雕,如有“约翰·施特劳斯纪念碑”、“掷铁饼者”、“阿波罗太阳神”、“思想者”等,形象生动,栩栩如生。景区内交通设施 齐备,有高架单轨环游车、游览车古代欧式马车、吉普赛大篷车、老爷车单桨木船、橡皮筏,为游客提供多种趣味的观赏活动设施。
各位游客,,下面我们来到的是世界之窗..首先先由我简单介绍一下世界之窗的微缩景观,,它位于深圳湾湖畔1994年6月建成开放....世界之窗占地48平方米作为弘扬世界文化的大型文化景区....由130个名著组成 .集自然风光.自然民俗,,历史遗迹..以及大型高科技参与项目..为您呈现个美妙的世界..
景区是按地域结构和浏览内容划分8个景区.分为世界广场,欧洲,亚洲, 大洋洲,,美洲...世界雕塑园和园际街八个区域..世界广场是一个108个意蕴深远,的廊柱..直冲云霄的喷泉,,,神秘庄严的金字塔,,,壮观的尼亚加拉瀑布..营造异国风情,,按1;1;到1;100不同的比仿造...\
世界之窗的标志建筑是法国埃菲尔铁塔,,,高108米.从电梯上上去可以观看整个深圳的风光,,东南亚风光, 非洲居民,,印第安居民等独特魅力..展示不同民族的智慧..科罗拉多大夹谷探险漂流...阿尔卑斯的滑雪,充分体现的冒险刺激..
首先先由我简单介绍一下世界之窗的微缩景观,它位于深圳湾湖畔1994年6月建成开放。世界之窗占地48平方米作为弘扬世界文化的大型文化景区....由130个名著组成 .集自然风光.自然民俗,,历史遗迹..以及大型高科技参与项目..为您呈现个美妙的世界景区是按地域结构和浏览内容划分8个景区.分为世界广场,欧洲,亚洲, 大洋洲,,美洲...世界雕塑园和园际街八个区域..世界广场是一个108个意蕴深远,的廊柱..直冲云霄的喷泉,,,神秘庄严的金字塔,,,壮观的尼亚加拉瀑布..营造异国风情,,按1;1;到1;100不同的比仿造世界之窗的标志建筑是法国埃菲尔铁塔,,,高108米.从电梯上上去可以观看整个深圳的风光,,东南亚风光, 非洲居民,,印第安居民等独特魅力..展示不同民族的智慧..科罗拉多大夹谷探险漂流...阿尔卑斯的滑雪,充分体现的冒险刺激世界之窗毗邻“锦绣中华”和“中国民俗文化村”,占地48万平方米,是香港中旅集团在深圳华侨城创建的又一大型文化旅游景区。将世界奇观、历史遗迹、古今名胜、自然风光、民居、雕塑、绘画以及民俗风情、民间歌舞表演汇集一园,再现了一个美妙的世界。
首先先由我简单介绍一下世界之窗的微缩景观,它位于深圳湾湖畔1994年6月建成开放。世界之窗占地48平方米作为弘扬世界文化的大型文化景区....由130个名著组成 .集自然风光.自然民俗,,历史遗迹..以及大型高科技参与项目..为您呈现个美妙的世界景区是按地域结构和浏览内容划分8个景区.分为世界广场,欧洲,亚洲, 大洋洲,,美洲...世界雕塑园和园际街八个区域..世界广场是一个108个意蕴深远,的廊柱..直冲云霄的喷泉,,,神秘庄严的金字塔,,,壮观的尼亚加拉瀑布..营造异国风情,,按1;1;到1;100不同的比仿造世界之窗的标志建筑是法国埃菲尔铁塔,,,高108米.从电梯上上去可以观看整个深圳的风光,,东南亚风光, 非洲居民,,印第安居民等独特魅力..展示不同民族的智慧..科罗拉多大夹谷探险漂流...阿尔卑斯的滑雪,充分体现的冒险刺激世界之窗毗邻“锦绣中华”和“中国民俗文化村”,占地48万平方米,是香港中旅集团在深圳华侨城创建的又一大型文化旅游景区。将世界奇观、历史遗迹、古今名胜、自然风光、民居、雕塑、绘画以及民俗风情、民间歌舞表演汇集一园,再现了一个美妙的世界。
ladies and gentlemen, next we come to the window of the world. first ofall, let me briefly introduce the miniature landscape of the window of theworld, which is located on the bank of shenzhen bay lake. it was built andopened in june 1994. the window of the world covers an area of 48 square is a large cultural scenic spot to carry forward the world culture. it iscomposed of 130 masterpieces. it integrates natural scenery, natural folkcustoms, and so on,, historic sites and large-scale high-tech projects willpresent you a wonderful world
the scenic spot is divided into eight scenic spots according to theregional structure and browsing content. it is divided into eight areas: worldsquare, europe, asia, oceania, america, world sculpture garden and inter gardenstreet. the world square is a 108 corridor pillars with far-reaching meaning, afountain soaring into the sky, a mysterious and solemn pyramid, a spectacularniagara waterfall, creating exotic customs, according to 1; 1; to 1; 100different ratio imitation\
the landmark of the window of the world is the eiffel tower in france, 108meters high. from the elevator, you can see the scenery of shenzhen, southeastasia, african residents, indian residents and other unique charm. it shows thewisdom of different nationalities. the adventure drift in colorado's grandcanyon. the skiing in the alps fully reflects the adventure stimulation
the window of the world is adjacent to "splendid china" and "chinese folkculture village", covering an area of 480000 square meters. it is anotherlarge-scale cultural tourist attraction created by hong kong cts group inshenzhen oct. the park brings together world wonders, historical sites, ancientand modern scenic spots, natural scenery, folk houses, sculptures, paintings,folk customs, folk song and dance performances to recreate a wonderfulworld.
according to the world geographical structure and tourism activities, thescenic spot is divided into nine major scenic spots: asia, oceania, europe,africa, america, modern science and technology entertainment, world sculpturegarden and international street, with 118 scenic spots built in. these includethe world-famous landscapes such as the pyramids of egypt, the temple of amun,angkor wat in cambodia, the grand canyon of the united states, the triumphalarch of the lion in paris, st. peter's cathedral in vatican, taj mahal in india,sydney opera house in australia, leaning tower of pisa in italy, etc. thesescenic spots are imitated in different proportions of 1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, whichare exquisite and lifelike. some scenic spots are very spectacular. for example,the eiffel tower in france, which has shrunk to one third of the total, is 108meters high and towering. visitors can take the sightseeing elevator to the topof the tower to enjoy the scenery of shenzhen and hong kong. the narrow niagarafalls are more than 80 meters wide, with a drop of more than 10 meters. thewater is flowing down and roaring. the volcano of hawaii and the 100 meterfountain, which spew magma, make tourists marvel.
as the activity center of the scenic spot, the world square can accommodatemore than ten thousand tourists. there are ten world-famous sculptures on thefront. around the square, there are 108 large stone columns of different stylesand nearly two thousand square meters of relief walls. there are also six giantgates symbolizing the birthplace of the world's ancient civilization, and agorgeous stage. artists from all over the world will perform wonderful programsto let tourists enjoy the culture and art.
in a rich lychee garden, there are more than 50 world-famous sculptures,such as "john strauss monument", "discus thrower", "apollo sun god", "thinker",etc.
the scenic area has complete transportation facilities, including elevatedmonorail tour bus, tour bus, ancient european carriage, gypsy caravan, old car,single paddle wooden boat and rubber raft, providing tourists with a variety ofinteresting viewing facilities. international street business service area, witheuropean, asian, islamic and other residential architectural style as the mainbody, integrates church, market and street in one place, is a place for touriststo rest and shopping. here you can taste the different flavors of french,italian, austrian, russian, japanese, thai, korean, german beer and hawaiian icecream. it also collects exquisite handicrafts and tourist souvenirs from allover the world for tourists to buy. when night falls and the lights are on,another kind of charming exotic atmosphere is displayed in the scenic area. the"carnival night" art tour, which is composed of the world's folk songs anddances and folk programs, has pushed the activities of sightseeing in the scenicarea to a high tide.
the window of the world is the window of world history, world civilizationand world tourism.
window of the world is located in shennan avenue, shenzhenwan community,shenzhen city, guangdong province. it is a famous miniature scenic spot in china(similar to beijing world park). with the purpose of promoting world culture, itis a man-made theme park integrating world wonders, historical sites, ancientand modern scenic spots and folk song and dance performances. each scenic spotin the park is imitated according to different proportions. the park is dividedinto eight theme areas: world square, asia, america, africa, oceania, europe,sculpture garden and international street, displaying more than 100 world-famouscultural landscapes and architectural wonders, including the eiffel tower infrance, the arc de triomphe in paris, the leaning tower of pisa in italy, thetaj mahal in india and the pyramids in egypt. all the scenic spots in the parkare freely imitated according to different proportions. they are exquisite,unique and lifelike. each scenic spot in the window of the world is a solidifiedsymphonic poem, while those colorful folk performances are lively and vivid folkpaintings.
shenzhen window of the world is a large cultural tourist attraction locatedin the overseas chinese town, nanshan district, shenzhen city, guangdongprovince, china. it is one of the most famous tourist attractions in window of the world cultural tourist attraction in shenzhen covers an areaof 480000 square meters. it is a collection of world wonders, natural scenery,folk customs, folk songs and dances, and represents a wonderful world. the worldsquare, the world sculpture garden, the spring shopping street in paris and thejurassic world together constitute an amazing man-made theme park.
shenzhen window of the world is located in shennan avenue, shenzhenwancommunity, nanshan district. with the purpose of promoting world culture, itbrings together world wonders, historical sites, ancient and modern scenic spotsand folk song and dance performances to create a wonderful world. divided byfive continents, the window of the world scenic area, together with the worldsquare, the world sculpture garden, the international street and the jurassicheaven and earth, forms an amazing man-made theme park.
the window of the world in shenzhen includes the world famous landscapessuch as egyptian pyramid, amun temple, angkor wat in cambodia, grand canyon ofthe united states, triumphal arch of lion in paris, st. peter's cathedral invatican, taj mahal in india, sydney opera house in australia, leaning tower ofpisa in italy, etc. these scenic spots are built in different proportions of1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, which are exquisite and lifelike. some scenic spots are veryspectacular. for example, the eiffel tower in france, which has shrunk to onethird of the total, stands 108 meters high. visitors can take the sightseeingelevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of shenzhen and hong narrow niagara falls are more than 80 meters wide, with a drop of more than10 meters. the water is rushing and roaring, which is huge. the volcano ofhawaii and the 100 meter fountain that spews magma make tourists marvel. as theactivity center of the scenic spot, the world square can accommodate more thanten thousand tourists. on the front of the square are ten world-famoussculptures. around the square stand 108 large stone columns of different stylesand nearly two thousand square meters of relief walls. there are also six hugedoors and a gorgeous dance stage, which symbolize the birthplace of the world'sancient civilization. artists from all over the world will perform wonderfulprograms to let tourists enjoy the cultural and artistic atmosphere enjoyyourself. in a rich lychee garden, there are more than 50 world-famoussculptures, such as "john strauss monument", "discus thrower", "apollo sun god","thinker", etc. the scenic area has complete transportation facilities,including elevated monorail tour bus, tour bus, ancient european carriage, gypsycaravan, old car, single paddle wooden boat and rubber raft, providing touristswith a variety of interesting viewing facilities.
the window of the world is adjacent to "splendid china" and "chinese folkculture village", covering an area of 480000 square meters. it is anotherlarge-scale cultural tourist attraction created by hong kong cts group inshenzhen oct. the park brings together world wonders, historical sites, ancientand modern scenic spots, natural scenery, folk houses, sculptures, paintings,folk customs, folk song and dance performances to recreate a wonderfulworld.
according to the world geographical structure and tour activities, thescenic spot is divided into nine major scenic spots: world square, asia,oceania, europe, africa, america, modern science and technology entertainmentarea, world sculpture garden and international street, with 118 scenic spotsbuilt in. these include the world-famous landscapes such as the pyramids ofegypt, the temple of amun, angkor wat in cambodia, the grand canyon of theunited states, the triumphal arch of the lion in paris, st. peter's cathedral invatican, taj mahal in india, sydney opera house in australia, leaning tower ofpisa in italy, etc. these scenic spots are imitated in different proportions of1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, which are exquisite and lifelike. some scenic spots are veryspectacular. for example, the eiffel tower in france, which has shrunk to onethird of the total, is 108 meters high and towering. visitors can take thesightseeing elevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of shenzhenand hong kong. the narrow niagara falls are more than 80 meters wide, with adrop of more than 10 meters. the water is flowing down and roaring. the volcanoof hawaii and the 100 meter fountain, which spew magma, make touristsmarvel.
the scenic area has complete transportation facilities, including elevatedmonorail tour bus, tour bus, ancient european carriage, gypsy caravan, old car,single paddle wooden boat and rubber raft, providing tourists with a variety ofinteresting viewing facilities. international street business service area, witheuropean, asian, islamic and other residential architectural style as the mainbody, integrates church, market and street in one place, is a place for touriststo rest and shopping. here you can taste the different flavors of french,italian, austrian, russian, japanese, thai, korean, german beer and hawaiian icecream. it also collects exquisite handicrafts and tourist souvenirs from allover the world for tourists to buy. when night falls and the lights are on,another kind of charming exotic atmosphere is displayed in the scenic area. the"carnival night" art tour, which is composed of the world's folk songs anddances and folk programs, has pushed the activities of sightseeing in the scenicarea into a boom.
the window of the world is the window of world history, world civilizationand world tourism.
located on the bank of shenzhen bay, with the purpose of promoting worldculture, the park brings together world wonders, historical sites, ancient andmodern scenic spots, folk song and dance performances, creating a wonderfulworld. divided by five continents, the window of the world scenic area, togetherwith the world sculpture garden, the international street and the jurassicworld, forms an amazing man-made theme park. all the scenic spots in the parkare imitated freely according to different proportions. they are exquisite andlifelike. each scenic spot in the window of the world is a solidified symphonicpoem, while those colorful folk performances are lively and vivid folkpaintings.
according to the world geographical structure and tourism activities, thescenic spot is divided into nine major scenic spots: asia, oceania, europe,africa, america, modern science and technology entertainment, world sculpturegarden and international street, with 118 scenic spots built in.
international street business service area, with european, asian, islamicand other residential architectural style as the main body, integrates church,market and street in one place, is a place for tourists to rest and you can taste the different flavors of french, italian, austrian, russian,japanese, thai, korean, german beer and hawaiian ice cream. it also collectsexquisite handicrafts and tourist souvenirs from all over the world for touriststo buy. when night falls and the lights are on, another kind of charming exoticatmosphere is displayed in the scenic area. the "carnival night" art tour, whichis composed of the world's folk songs and dances and folk programs, has pushedthe activities of sightseeing in the scenic area to a high tide.
when the night falls, the large-scale song and dance and carnival paradestaged in the world square is the theme of the window of the world: "the worldis happy with you", which is incisively and vividly displayed. at the same time,it makes the beautiful shenzhen more vivid and colorful.
be not of the common sort, but the world's windows of the world have beenthe essence of human civilization for thousands of years. the window of theworld has reproduced a wonderful and wonderful world for its chinese and foreigntourists with its rich cultural connotation, magnificent planning and design,exquisite beyond compare and unusual artistic performance.
the window of the world is located in the bay of shenzhen. it covers anarea of 480 thousand square meters. it is a large-scale cultural tourism scenicspot with the theme of promoting world culture as its main theme.
the window of shenzhen world is a theme park of urban leisure andentertainment which is invested by hongkong travel group and overseas chinesetown group. it aims to promote the essence of world culture. the first batch ofnational aaaaa level scenic spots is the only theme park in china that has wontwo consecutive iaapa awards. covering an area of 480000 square meters, thewindow of the world in shenzhen is composed of eight regions: asia, oceania,europe, africa, america, world sculpture garden and international street.
there are more than 130 world-famous scenic spots, ten excitingentertainment projects, grand square art parties, colorful exotic performancesand colorful theme cultural festival activities in the scenic spot, which createa fashionable, wonderful and happy world for chinese and foreign tourists. here,the world's first live shot suspended ball screen cinema "flying across theunited states", the largest ice and snow paradise in southern china "alpine iceand snow world", the world's longest far infrared electric control slide, amazonjungle shuttle and other advanced entertainment projects provide tourists with afashionable urban living space integrating leisure and relaxation. themulti-level and perfect performance system of scenic spots is a special culturalproduct elaborately created by window of the world. with the large square artparty as the main body, the caesar palace party as the branch, and the scenicspot performance as the luxuriant leaf, tourists at different levels can enjoythe spirit of world culture and art. the large-scale epic party is the mostattractive fist product in the scenic area. it has won the hot pursuit of themarket and society with "unexpected magnificence and endless prosperity". amongthem, "cross century" and "eternal romance" have successively won iaapa'shighest awards - best overall production award and iaapa's best performanceaward, creating a miracle in the history of chinese tourism art.
window of the world integrates culture, entertainment and leisure in onegarden. with strong and warm exotic customs and colorful and dynamic experienceparticipation, it has become the first choice for tourists to shenzhen. as thefirst brand of theme park in china, shenzhen world window will continue toinnovate and develop to create a more wonderful "world" and share happiness withyou!
dear tourists, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is "shenzhenwindow of the world". it is located on the bank of shenzhen bay, with a totalarea of 480000 square kilometers. it was opened in june 1994. the window ofshenzhen world is a large-scale cultural tourism area with the theme ofdeveloping the world's elite culture. it reproduces 130 famous touristlandscapes and recreates a wonderful world for you.
the window of the world can be divided into eight parts: world square,european area, asian area, american area, oceania area, african area, worldsculpture garden and international street, etc. this is divided according to theworld's regional structure and activities.
among them, the main famous scenic spots of the world square are: 100 meterfountain, egyptian pyramid, niagara waterfall and so on these landscapes aresimulated in different scales from 1:1 to 1:100.
the most representative scenic spot of window of the world is the eiffeltower, which is 108 meters high. you can take the elevator to the top of thetower to enjoy the scenery of shenzhen and hong kong. of course, there are somelandscapes that you can't miss: japan, southeast asia, maori houses, africanhouses, indian houses. the unique charm shows the wisdom and customs ofdifferent nationalities.
in the daytime, you can enjoy the world and the earth. in the evening, youcan also enjoy the large-scale music and dance epic "eternal romance", which iselaborately created by hundreds of excellent performing artists at home andabroad!
"you give me a day, i give you a world!"
eiffel tower in europe and france
paris, a romantic city, an international city. when i come to paris, mygreatest wish is to climb the eiffel tower, the symbol of modern paris. theeiffel tower was built in 1889 by the french government to commemorate the 100thanniversary of the victory of the bourgeois revolution and the world expo heldin 1889. the name of the tower is named after the designer eiffel.
the eiffel tower is a famous steel building. under the tower, there arefour arches in the southeast, northwest and northwest. it is a reinforcedconcrete structure. the whole structure suddenly shrinks upward and points tothe sky. from one side, the eiffel tower looks like an inverted "y",. the toweris divided into three levels, each of which has a? t observation platform forvisitors to view from the railing. there are 1710 steps, and there are elevatorsfrom the bottom of the tower to the top.
the arc de triomphe in europe and france
in 1820__, napoleon, the commander-in-chief of the french military,defeated 80000 russian austrian allied forces with 70000 troops in the czechrepublic and won the glorious "battle of the three emperors". to commemoratethese great victories, napoleon ordered the construction of a "triumphal arch"in the center of paris.
dear tourists, under the arc de triomphe, we can see the relief used bynapoleon to publicize his 96 victories. there are giant statues on the outerwall, mainly based on the french war history of 1792-1815. one of the mostoutstanding works is the marseillaise on the stone pillar on the right. inaddition, 386 generals who followed napoleon's expedition were engraved on theinside of the arc de triomphe. in 1920__, the tomb of the unknown martyr wasbuilt under the arc de triomphe, in which the unknown soldiers who died in thefirst world war were buried, and the epitaph engraved on the ground was "hererest are the french soldiers who died for their country".
asia india taj mahal
the taj mahal represents a true and moving love story. the descendants ofgenghis khan from south central asia established a dynasty in india. shah jahan,the fifth generation emperor of the dynasty, and mumotaji, the queen of thedynasty, were very affectionate. but it didn't last long. on the way of a kingshah jahan's tour, the queen unfortunately fell ill and died. shah jahan wasvery sad. in memory of his deceased wife, he spent more than 20000 craftsmen for22 years and a total of more than 40 million rupees to build a unique mausoleumthat tagore called "a tear on the cheek of time". it can be said that the tajmahal is a monument to the hard work and wisdom of the indian people. after shahjahan's death, people put his sarcophagus and the queen's sarcophagus together,let them cuddle with each other and never separate. and the touching lovebetween them is immortal with the taj mahal!
pyramid of egypt in africa
the magnificent pyramids and sphinx attract thousands of tourists everyday. it is known as one of the eight wonders of the world and the mostfascinating historic site in egypt. the egyptian pyramids were built more than20__ bc. up to now, there are more than 70 well preserved pyramids, the largestof which is the pyramid of the fourth dynasty pharaoh khufu. the height of thetower is nearly 150 meters, the bottom of the tower is square, and the sidelength is 230 meters. the whole pyramid is made of 230 huge stones, each ofwhich weighs about 2.4 tons. the largest stone weighs 160 tons. the work of eachstone is very fine, and the gap between the two stones can't even insert theblade. it can be seen how superb the construction technology was at that those days, there were no cranes or cutting machines. it was estimated thatit would take hundreds of thousands of slaves to build such a large-scalepyramid, which took decades to complete.
sydney opera house, oceania
sydney opera house is australia's national performing arts center, it issurrounded by the sea on three sides, so it is also known as the sea operahouse. its shape, like a group of ships out to sea, drum up white sails; andlike a piece of white shells standing on the beach, integrated with the sceneryof the sea.
this unique sydney opera house was designed by a famous romantic architectin denmark. it was built in 1959 and cost more than 100 million australiandollars. the stage lighting, the rise and fall of the floor are all controlledby the computer.
symphony orchestras, opera companies, musicians and artists all over theworld are proud to perform in this elegant "shell pile".
niagara falls, usa
niagara falls is one of the most famous waterfalls in the world. it islocated in buffalo city between lake erie and lake ontario in north 30 km to the west, it is on the niagara river, with a width of 1240 metersand an average drop of 51 meters. as the seasons change, the width and flow ofthe waterfall increase and decrease. in the rainy season, its flow is 6000 cubicmeters per second, three times that of the yellow river. the water mist from theimpact of the current is as high as nearly 100 meters, straight into the sky,making a thunderous sound, which is breathtaking. long ago, the indians calledit "niagara", which means "water of thor"
dear tourists, we have passed five continents in a hurry. i think you stillhave some long cherished landscapes. let's take a closer look. here is your freetime. don't forget the wonderful performance waiting for us after dinner. pleaseremember the meeting time and place we agreed.
have a good time! thank you!