she said her uncle is not anti-science but will ignore facts in order to spin his preferred narrative.
still, even as trump is now bowing to coronavirus reality, he has not abandoned his stubborn push for reopening and his tendency to make misleading statements to try and spin a rosy outlook. (这句话里的bow to 。.。reality也是不做的表达)
if someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way.
and he has continued to favorably compare the us to the rest of the world, even though most of europe and asia have significantly reduced their coronavirus outbreaks and are not experiencing a second surge like the us.
这句话里两个地方是想稍微说一下的,第一个就是favorably compare a to b这个表达里副词favorably的使用,一下子让句子的意思和立场鲜明了许多,这句话你在试图翻译成中文的时候,会体会到这里favorably用得简洁。
另外一个就是汉语中经常出现“其它国家和地区”这样类似的表达,在很多时候,国家和地区(country/territory/region)其实是可以不出现的,比如上面的美国和其它国家,用the us and the rest of the world, 大多数的欧洲和亚洲国家, most of europe and asia, 再比如中国和其它亚洲国家,china and the rest of asia, 中国的很多地方,much of china.