• montana’s population of just under a million is truly miniscule for a state of its vast proportions
• montana is truly a wildlife lover’s paradise, with more mammal species than any other state
• the word ‘ditch’ can be used in montana to mean you want water added to your drink
• on average, the state averages one elk, three deer, and six people per square mile
• water from the triple divide peak in flathead county, montana can flow into the atlantic, pacific or the arctic ocean
• the largest snowflake ever observed, measuring 38cm, was recorded at fort keogh, montana in 1887
• famous montanans include director david lynch, actress michelle williams, daredevil evel knievel and first ever congresswoman, jeannette rankin
• montana (loma) was also the location of the greatest temperature change ever recorded, with the temperature going from -47°c to 9°c in the space of 24 hours
•著名的蒙塔纳人包括导演大卫·林奇,女演员米歇尔·威廉姆斯,daredevil evel knievel和第一个国会女议员,jeannette rankin