职业生涯命名 职业生涯这一词的含义与生命模板
职业生涯命名 职业生涯这一词的含义与生命篇一
you've heard that old adage, "it's not what you know, but who you know." but what if you don't know anybody, then what?
first off, let's back up. why do you need a network? a network can serve many purposes: it can serve as a support group, a source of information, a source of job leads, and as a source of actual business. your network is your family, your expert sources, your connections to potential employers, and the people with whom you do business.
now, you're assuming you don't know anyone professional. are you sure about that? even if you're new to the working world, you already know many people who can help you get a good start.
现在的你认为自己并不认识任何专业人士。真的是这样吗?即使你在业界是个新人,你也已经认识了不少可以帮助你有个好的开端的人了。 更多信息请访问:http:///
look at people you know 看看你认识的人
* your parents and relatives 你的父母和亲戚
they might not be able to help you directly (nepotismis a terrible way to start a career), but they might know people who can help you. ask for introductions.
* your neighbors 你的邻居
you've grown up next to these people for years, and that kindly mr. rogers down the street could help you get into television if you talk to him.
* your teachers and professors 你的老师和教授
educators get besiegedby requests for recommendations, but if you have a good relationship with any of them, build upon it. also, think about guest speakers or lecturers you may have heard while you were in school. write them and see if they write back.
* old bosses from part-time jobs 以前兼职工作的上司
if you worked a dead-end job in high-school or college, you may be surprised to find out how and where your old boss has moved on. keep in touch.
* the people you interview with 曾经面试过你的人
even if you don't get the job, keep in touch. they might think of you later.
* your friends getting into the job market 你已经参加工作的朋友
now is the time to get in touch and turn those friendships into a professional network. as they climb up the ladder, you'll both find opportunities to help each other.
generating professional contacts 创造社交关系
you can also generate new professional contacts online and in your community. if you read about someone who sounds interesting, reach out and make contact. show that you've got a good mind and a good personality. you never know where that will go.
the real work begins once you get started in the job force. the best professional contacts will probably be developed in the context of your job. maintain good records of who you meet, the context in which you met them, and what they do. find reasons to keep in touch with the best of them. join a professional social networking site like linkedin to help maintain your network, and maybe even to show it off.
throughout your professional life, your network will serve different purposes. it will also change over time -- as it builds up, becomes refined, and sometimes breaks down. but it likely will be the lifeblood of your career.
italian prime minister silvio berlusconi's daughter has said she was amazed by the attention her father lavished on a teenage model, in a rare criticism of the scandal-hit leader by one of his children.
barbara berlusconi, 25, also told vanity fair that politicians ought to uphold the values they preach publicly in their private lives -- in contrast to berlusconi's allies who say his personal life has no bearing on his public role.
berlusconi, 72, has denied an improper relationship with noemi letizia after showing up at her 18th birthday party with a 6,000-euro ($8,600) necklace gift, prompting his wife veronica to seek a divorce over his womanizing.
when asked what she thought of the attentions her father had shown toward letizia, barbara said: "i was shocked. it's something that has never been part of my life." 更多信息请访问:http:///
"i have never frequented elderly men. i have no experience of such psychological ties," she told the magazine.
since the letizia scandal, berlusconi has also been fending off accusations of cavorting with escorts who were paid to attend his parties. he denies paying for sex but says he is "not a saint."
"political representatives that are called to govern well, make society prosper, are also held to safeguard the values they express, possibly raise them," barbara told the magazine.
"so i don't believe a politician can allow a distinction between his public and private life."
barbara's comments are another dent to berlusconi's image, with polls showing the summer of scandals has helped push down his popularity.
barbara is one of three children berlusconi has with veronica. his two children from his first marriage hold prominent positions in his business empire. they rarely speak publicly but defended their father when the scandal first exploded in may.
need a raise? try these tips.
exceed their expectations. even experts agree that essential to the advancement of your career is not only to do what is expected but to do an impressive output of the task that is given you. in other words, if you give more, you get more.
follow instructions. make sure that what you are doing is the one your boss wants to get done. you may be able to do the best job in the world, but if it is not the one your boss wants, it will hold no value.
执行指示。要确认你现在所做的是老板希望完成的。或许你有能力做出世界上最为出色的工作,但如果并非老板所需要的它便一文不值。 更多信
maintain good rapport with your fellow workers and your other contacts in your field. good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting. keep a neutral and civil relationship with your co-workers that is enough to keep you approachable yet maintaining the right amount of respect each person in the company deserves. the company will always remember you positively for your professionalism.
keep your boss aware of your accomplishments. often when an employee is not appreciated, it is simply due to a matter of lack of communication. never underestimate the value of a written report of your accomplished tasks. they will come in handy.
be decisive. the ability to make decisions when needed is a must. you’d be surprised that many workers don’t have this trait. they find it easier to pass the decision to the next fellow, because they cannot make a stand.
be willing to take in responsibilities beyond your assignment in emergency cases. this does not mean you have to be a push-over. make sure your boss approves of this if you need to go on a rescue mission to save a task a co-worker cannot handle. if you are young and aiming for a good future in your line of work in your present company, this is a very good gesture.
continue studying to be well informed. attend trainings and seminars to be well informed of the innovations in your chosen field. develop your talents. be useful in the community. do not stop developing yourself. someday, these will be mutually beneficial for the company, the community and most of all for you.
china’s economy should grow by 8% this year and next, but significant risks remain
the economist intelligence unit has revised its economic forecasts for china in 2009-10, and now believes that the country will achieve 8% gdp growth in both years. with real gdp growth having reached 7.9% year on year in the second quarter of 2009, china already appears on course to achieve the government’s aim of 8% average growth this year. however, growth in 2010 remains subject to significant upside and downside risks. the outlook is obscured by the dominant role that government policy is set to play next year, and by the high degree of uncertainty with regard to the outlook for the global economy.
经济学人智库(the economist intelligence unit)调整了中国2009及2010年的经济增长预期,现在相信中国这两年gdp增长都会达到8%。随着2009年二季度真实gdp增长率达到7.9%,中国看似已经在通往年度目标8%的既定轨道上了。然而,2010年的增长率依然取决于重大的上行和下行风险。中国经济前景并不明朗,因为两个重要因素——中国政府明年将要采取的政策和全球经济前景都不确定。
our forecast for next year reflects an assumption that the government will tighten credit and fiscal policy moderately. such an approach would be likely to have negative side-effects. asset-price inflation will be stimulated by a credit and fiscal policy stance that will be kept loose to offset the effects of the weak global economy on the export sector. several local governments in china will face growing fiscal strains that may require the central government to bail them out. china’s fiscal deficit in 2009-10 will in any case be larger than at any point since the start of the reform era in 1979. coupled with this, the banking sector will face a tough challenge. if economic growth is not to slow sharply in 2010, credit will have to continue to grow strongly. yet coming after the extraordinary rise in lending seen in 2009, a further massive expansion of credit would increase the threat of loans turning bad and of a future banking-sector crisis. such a crisis would require another recapitalisation effort by the central government, putting additional strain on china’s public finances.
should the costs of the government’s policies become too high (for example if consumer price inflation were to accelerate), or should china’s tendency towards fiscal conservatism reassert itself (perhaps as the central government sought to enforce its authority over provincial leaders), our forecast for 2010 could prove optimistic. a sharper tightening of policy would see infrastructure spending slow and could bring to an early end the recovery in housing investment. the loss of business confidence and the adverse effects of such measures on the job market would undermine private-sector investment and consumer confidence, and gdp growth in the year would be likely to fall below the forecast level of 8%. however, for this very reason the government will be reluctant to adopt such an approach.
it is also possible that gdp growth in 2010 could be higher than we forecast. the strength of housing and car sales in the second quarter of 2009 suggests consumer confidence has recovered more quickly than expected. in addition, with domestic demand in 2009 proving much stronger than most analysts had forecast, especially in key industries such as automotive manufacturing, many companies are already operating at full capacity and are planning to increase investment. this is creating a positive cycle of employment generation and demand growth, which if sustained in 2010 could offset a slight tightening of policy by the government. it is also possible that the external picture may prove less gloomy than we currently expect. this would provide a substantial boost to china’s economy as the export sector revived. however, if the upside risk scenario for economic growth becomes a reality, businesses in china are likely to see considerable cost pressures re-emerge, with land and wage costs accelerating quickly.
microsoft and yahoo! strike a long-awaited deal
users will probably not notice all that much. but the deal may be seen one day as a significant event in the internet industry. microsoft and yahoo!, the world’s biggest software firm and its leading online portal respectively, have reached a deal for a ten-year web search and advertising partnership after years of speculation about a tie-up. the combination, which was announced on wednesday july 29th, is not as far-reaching as originally envisaged. but it is likely to create a serious rival to google, the online giant that dominates both of these markets.
the agreement is supposed to help both parties overcome their most pressing problems. microsoft will increase significantly the use of its search service, called bing, and its platform to serve online advertisements. yahoo! will use both of them on its websites. the web portal, for its part, will be able to cut costs and increase revenues. yahoo! will no longer have to invest millions in its search and advertising technology. it will also get more money for the ads placed next to its search results. carol bartz, yahoo!'s boss, said that the tie-up “comes with boatloads of value” for her firm.
the deal is the result of a long mating dance which started in earnest early in 2008. in february last year microsoft made a $44.6 billion takeover bid for yahoo!, later raising its offer to $47.5 billion. but yahoo!’s management then rebuffed microsoft, regarding the offer as undervaluing the company. instead yahoo! entered into an advertising dalliance with google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement. talks between microsoft and yahoo! were rekindled after ms bartz took the helm at yahoo! in january. she is less emotionally attached to maintaining its independence than her predecessor, jerry yang, one of the company’s founders.
yet even for ms bartz the results of the negotiations must be somewhat disappointing. yahoo! is said to have pushed for a whopping upfront payment of billions of dollars for agreeing to a deal with microsoft—but it has not succeeded. what is more, the deal apparently only covers the text ads displayed alongside search results and not other forms of online ads. and although yahoo! will use microsoft’s advertising platform, the firm will continue to sell the ads itself. this will allow it to maintain relationships with advertisers, making it easier to sell them other kinds of ads.
the big question is whether this combination will be able to threaten google’s dominance in web search. the deal will mean that microsoft handles nearly 30% of searches in america—compared with google’s 65% of the market. microsoft’s share may well rise. it will be able to offer better search results because it will have more search data to improve its technology. bing, which the firm launched in june, has already got off to a good start, gaining a couple of percentage points of the search market since then. 更多信息请访问:http:///
at any rate, the battle lines between google and microsoft are now clearly drawn. earlier this month, google announced that it is developing a free operating system for personal computers called chrome os, thus mounting a direct attack on microsoft and its dominant windows operating system. with the yahoo! deal, microsoft is now pushing into google’s heartland. so the grand alliance between microsoft and yahoo! is part of an even bigger battle between the technology titans that is likely to drag on for years.
无论如何,谷歌和微软的战线已经清晰地画出。这个月初,谷歌声称他们正在开发一个供私人电脑使用的免费的操作系统命名为chrome os,对微软和占统治地位的windows操作系统发起了直接攻击。与雅虎联手,微软正在向谷歌占据的重要方面进军。因此,微软和雅虎的联盟是技术巨头们之间更大战争的一部分,这场战争将继续好几年。
shrinking giants缩水的巨头们
the world's biggest publicly listed companies by market capitalisation
the market capitalisation of petrochina may have fallen by almost half in the past year, but it remains the world’s most valuable publicly listed company. chinese firms now occupy three of the top four slots. (the state’s large non-traded holdings are valued at market prices.)
seven of the 12 most valuable companies are either banks or oil producers. wal-mart, johnson & johnson and procter & gamble have all climbed the table in the past year; their industries tend to weather recessions better than others. market capitalisation does not necessarily tally with other measures of size. microsoft is worth more than royal dutch shell, which has nearly eight times the revenue of the software company and 10,000 more employees.
实习生 谢俊清编辑
毕业即失业 美国毕业生状告母校索赔学费
a jobless graduate has sued her former college for the more than 40,000 she paid in tuition fees after she failed to find work.
trina thompson, 27, claims monroe college in new york did not do enough to help her find employment.
she is seeking to recover the 42,000 she spent on getting her degree from the college in the bronx.
court papers showed that miss thompson claimed the college's career centre did not provide her with the right advice or tips on available jobs.
"they have not tried hard enough to help me," she wrote about the college in her lawsuit filed at the bronx supreme court.
her mother, carol, said her daughter was "very angry at her situation" having "put all her faith" in her college.
miss thompson graduated with a bachelor's degree in information technology in april but has been unable to find work.
she claims she was sent three emails from the college with little job advice.
"i need a full-time job placement and that's what they said they were going to help me with and they didn't," said miss thompson.
"the it career counsellor sent me about three emails saying 'oh i have this job you should apply.' that's it."
a spokesman for the university rejected the claim. 更多信息请访问:http:///
gary axelbank, a spokesman for monroe college, said the lawsuit was completely without merit because the college does assist its graduates in finding employment.