first of all, i would like to welcome you to this presentation. as you know, china has become a member of the wto. in accordance with the agreement, china will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunications infrastructure market and the value-adding market, allowing foreign companies to invest directly in china or to set up joint ventures.
the telecommunications market in china has enormous potentials. the mobile phone market alone will be worth no less than 150 billion yuan. it is estimated that the telecommunications industry, the telecommunications infrastructure network and user equipment, just the three of them combined, will be worth at least 1,500 billion yuan by 2005. the growth potential of the market can be seen in many ways.
one, the number of telecommunications users continues to grow. every year, we need to provide a large amount of user equipment for new users. not only that, existing users need to upgrade their equipment too. the growth of users in turn requires networks and the infrastructure to expand, upgrade and improve, driving the demand for network equipment and the construction of network-related facilities.
two, as telecommunications is a very profitable business, some non-telecommunication companies are also itching to have a piece of the action. companies in the value-adding and computer network business are particularly keen to enter the telecommunications market. further liberalization will bring opportunities to these companies. this will make it a new area for foreign investment in the very near future.
three, telecommunication technology is developing fast. new technology and new equipment are introduced all the time. the international telecommunications manufacturing industry is attracted by relatively high quality and yet cheap labor in china. the manufacturing of telecommunications user equipment and network equipment in china is beginning to show its supremacy. as telecom and network facilities continue to develop and upgrade, there will be numerous opportunities in manufacturing.
four, after several stages of reform, there are now china unicom, china railcom, china telecom, china .etcom, china mobile and china satellite, the six main players. they are all keen to become stronger, keen to attract foreign investment, offering foreign capital a fast-track entry into the chinese market.
the telecommunications industry in china has accumulated fast capital for over a decade. it's highly profitable and will provide sufficient finance for joint ventures. in 2005, investment in telecommunications infrastructure and network facilities in china will exceed 250 billion yuan. that includes not only new equipment and new facilities, but also the maintenance and repair of existing equipment.
of course, the lifting of control will take place in stages. but there will be fewer and fewer restrictions. many people are describing the telecommunications market in china as a goldmine for foreign investment. in the past decade, foreign investment in china's telecommunications market has been richly rewarded. so, i hope you won't hold back any more. when the market is completely open, the best opportunities may have been snatched up by others.