chen xx-x
date of birth:september 1th , 19xx
school of computerand information
xx-xx universit
no.8 south road
hangzhou city, zhejiangprovince, 115100
p. r china
dear dr. chen xx-x
访问学者邀请函模板 [篇2]dr. xx
mailbox xx
xx-xxx university
xx, xx, p. r. china,
dear dr. xx-xx
it is my pleasure to invite you as a visit scholar(or postdoc) to visit , from xx-xx to xx-xx. .
i understand you will be supported by a scholarship from the china scholarship council.
you will be performing research under my direction, and with members of my group, on the fields of xx-xxx . you shall be provided an office and access to our lab and other research facilities as appropriate.
we look forward to your visit.
访问学者邀请函模板 [篇3]professor
department of xx-x
tel: fax:
mr. xx
address: xx,
school of xx
xx-x street,
xx, xx-x, 100081
p. r china
dear mr. xx
subject: invitation to mr. xx-x to conduct research at the xx-x as an academic visitor
thank you very much for your email dated on 11th february, 2015 and the attached cv. i am delighted that you wish to come as an academic visitor to the department of xx-x at xx-xx for 6 months. on behave of the department; i formally invite you as an academic visitor to spend 6 months at the xx-x, during the time period from xxst xx, 2015 to xxnd xx, 2015.
i understand you will be fully funded by a scholarship from xx-x. the funding covers the international airf-are, living expenses and health insurance for a period of 6 months. and your university will remain your employment when you complete your visit at xx-x. please be aware that xx-x will also charge you xx-x bench fees for your academic visit.
i have communicated with you for several times and can attest that your english level satisfies our requirements for an academic visitor. i was impressed by the interesting r&d projects you had undertaken in china and your expertise particularly on xx-xxx. you will conduct research in the area of xx-x, in which you have had significant experience already. your academic visit to thexx-xx is intended to facilitate independent research as set out in your application closely linking to your current academic research activities. my team atxx-xxx is one of the famous xx-xx groups in the europe, and has a leading research in several aspects of xx-xxx. you shall be provided the necessary support for carrying out the research including providing office space, materials supplies and access to our library and other research facilities.
please note that academic visitors are not permitted to engage in work in the uk other than the academic activity for which they are admitted under the immigration rules.
i look forward to your visit.
yours sincerely,
访问学者邀请函模板 [篇4]dear dr ***,
following our recent e-mail and telephone communications, i am pleased to let you know that i can offer you a visiting scholar position at the ** university. this is a one-year post. you told me the better time you join my research group is from ** to **. i hope you could come here sooner. as we have discussed, your research will be in the area of ** about **. i am certain you will gain new knowledge and skills in our laboratory, and i am equally optimistic that your participation will bring about new opportunities for collaboration between us. we will provide you with all the equipment and facilities necessary for your research. should you require any further information, please feel free to contact me.
i look forward to your joining, with kind regards.
1.访问学者 邀请函模板2.访问学者邀请函范文3.访问学者学结4.国际访问学者学结5.访问学者培训学结6.英国访问学者签证的注意事项7.商务邀请函模板 中文8.活动邀请函模板中文