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a child gets to know the world, learns and finds out new interesting things with the help of adults. 美丽的田野上有条小河,岸边的白杨唱起了歌。大自然向我们敞开胸怀,我们撒了欢地荡漾、摇摆。
during the holiday many museums and galleries run special events or programmes. most major museums and galleries have free entry, and many offer special activities on a daily basis to help children enjoy and get the most out of their visit. 所以,带你的孩子参观博物馆是个不错的选择哟。况且专家说了,最适合全家去的地方就是现代艺术馆,那咱还犹豫什么!
days out at the beach, in the country, or visiting heritage sites, can be affordable and enjoyable for both adults and children. trips to amusement parks and adventure playgrounds could be another option to consider during the holiday. 爱玩是孩子的天性,那就带他们去撒野吧!
for working parents, childcare during the holidays can be a problem. many families get a hand from grandparents and other relatives, while you have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. 节日当天尽量陪陪孩子吧,不要给自己和孩子留下遗憾。
stick to the schedule. arrive on time and drop off the children on time. 和孩子一起制订计划,并且严格遵守。
if the children are not with you for the holiday, call them, and be sure to send cards or email. consider celebrating the holiday before or after the actual day. children love parties and gifts any time - nothing fancy - but something special you create just for them. 即便不在孩子身边,也要记着送去节日的.祝福。孩子们最需要的就是我们的爱。