一国两制 one country, two systems
三个代表 the three represents theory
两*(人大、政协)two conferences (npc and cppcc)
南南合作 south-south cooperation
南北对话 north-south dialog
人大常委会 people’s congress standing committee
法制观念 awareness of law
法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system
改革开放 reform and opening-up
公务员 civil servants
命令主义作风 the bureaucratic style of work
和谐并存 harmonious coexistence
计划生育 family planning
计划生育基本国策 the basic state policy of family planning
青才申文明建设 the construction of spiritual civilization
居委会 neighborhood committee
科教兴国 national rejuvenation through science and education
可持续发展 sustainable development
轻工业 light industry
博业 lottery industry
制造业 manufacturing industry
垄断行业 monopoly industries
市场多元化 market diversification
市场经济 market economy
市场监管 market supervision
购买力 purchasing power
假日经济 holiday economy