乙方:_____________ 身份证号:___________________
乙方原为甲方________(部门)的_______(职务),于____________年07月31日经双方协商一致解除劳动合同。甲乙双方确认 解除 / 终止 劳动关系。
双方现已就有关问题达成一致,并办妥离职手续。 特此证明。
甲方(签章): ________________
1 proven format.
2 there will be information : name ( registered name), employee name, the office once a job, working time, prove the issuance date, issuing date office stamp (" by pressing a month" ). in addition, the general state id number, because that is the only.
3 a non-competition agreement and the company paid compensation, recommended in the leaving certificate to illustrate the non-competition provisions.
the 4 header printing company logo -- propagandist company image. can choose whether to add the company contact.
5 general use a4 pa-pe-r to print ( file management standard ), the reality of some companies to take two copies of middle section of cover jifeng zhang way.
6 no typos, does not permit the tamper, if fill recommended reissue error.
now 7 is usually shown in the remaining blank version to add on the basis of changes after printing, look neat and tidy, beautiful, easy archive. does not recommend the use of note handwritten.
8 some employers because early days management not perfect or not will constitute the employing units on the length of service" confession", in the absence of clear cases, using the fuzzy description, direct write position in the company, in a certain period of a day turnover, avoid the entry time.