letter of intent for possible
contract for sale of assets
possible seller: ____________
possible buyer: ___________
business: ______________
date: ______________, 20_____
this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible seller named above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is not a legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer. the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.
____________________________ ________________________
____________________________ ________________________
日期:______________, 20_____
中央研究院 所(处)、研究中心聘(雇)用契约书
employment agreement (with contribution benefit )
中央研究院 所(处)(以下简称甲方)为应业务需要,聘(雇)用 先生(女士)(以下简称乙方)为约聘(雇)人员,双方订立契约条款如左:
this agreement is made and entered into on the _______ day of ________ , ________ by and between __________________ ( institute or preparatory office ), academia sinica ( hereinafter referred to as “a” ) and ____________ ( hereinafter “b” ).
whereas, a is willing to offer b employment, and b is willing to accept such employment subject to the following terms and conditions:
一、聘(雇)用期间:自 年 月 日起至中华人民共和国 年 月 日止。
1. term of employment
the parties agree that the term of this agreement shall be commencing from this _________ day of ________ , _________ to the _______ day of _______ , _________ .
二、聘(雇)用报酬:甲方按月支给乙方报酬 薪点(折合新台币 元)。
2. remuneration
a shall pay b a salary of n.t.$____________ per month.
3. b’s duties ( in specific description )
b’s duties shall include __________________________________________________________________
4. b’s obligations and termination
4.1 b shall handle in a confidential manner all matters relating to a’s business. this confidentiality obligation shall remain effective during the period specified in the regulations or working rules concerned. in case that no time period is specified, it remains effective for successive three (3) years’ terms after b’s termination of this employment.
in the event that b violates any law or regulation, or breaches this agreement or working rules concerned, a may in its discretion reprimand b or terminate this agreement. a also reserves the right to institute suit against b for civil compensation or to impose criminal liability.
4.2 during the term of this agreement, b shall comply with the directions and instructions of his/her supervisors, perform his/her duties in accordance with all regulations and relevant working rules. where b violates any obligation
甲乙双方遵循自 愿、平等、诚信、互惠的原则,就乙方产品在甲方单位进行 合作经营的具体事宜,达成如下协议:
三、自签订协议后,乙方将所需设备及交与甲方向景 点游客租 用,讲解器所有权属乙方
四、自协议签订后,中英文讲解词由甲方编写,并发 给乙方,乙 方负责免费制作中英文讲解语音,在一年内并可提供四 次的免费语音修改服务,乙方根据甲方需要,也可只制作其 中一种语音。
五、合作模式及结算方式:双方运营期间,由甲方全 权负责宣传、推广、服务等相关工作,乙方不参与经营,只 提供设备。合同期内按租用设备数量每单台每日租金(_____元/ 台)合作天数计算。甲方最底需要租用乙方台设备,最底 合作期限为一年。租金每季度结算一次,由甲方于每季度最 后一天直接汇入乙方帐号。
六、设备的经营、保管等均由甲方负责,乙方负责产品 的维修,如 设备出现故障,甲方应及时返回乙方,乙方另提供按租 用设备6: 1的比例免费提供备用机及耳机,方便故障机及 时更换。备用机乙方不收取租金。设备如有遗失,由甲方承 担,丢失设备甲方按 _______元/台赔偿甲方,乙方于每个季度 末清点机器数量。
七、合作时间:_______ 年 _____月 ____日至_______年____ 月____曰。合 作结束后,乙方有权全部收回投入的讲解器。如双方有 意继续合作(继续合作的形式,仍以本协议规定的主要规则 为核心)或采用其他方式延续合作,双方可另订协议。
九、此协议一式四份,自双方签字盖章后生效,双方各 执二份。
委托代理人:_______ 委托代理 人:_________
地址:_______________ 地址:___________
电话:______________ 电话: ____________
传真:_____________ 传真:___________
电子 邮箱:_________电子邮箱:____________
________年_____ 月____ 日_______年____ 月____曰