




vt. & vi. 1.宣布,宣告,发表 make sth known publicly

vt. 2.通报…到达 make known the presence or arrival of sb/sth

vi. 3.主持,介绍 introduce (a speaker singer, etc.) on radio,TV, etc.

vt. 4.预告,预示 foretell, say what will happen


1.announce的基本意思是“宣布,宣告,发表”,指以语言或文字首次公开地、正式地使人知道。引申义一是“通报某人到达”,大声喊出其名字; 二是“主持,介绍”。announce还可指不通过文字或语言的“预示”。

2.announce多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语,有时还可接以“to be/as+n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。announce有时还可引出直接引语。可用于被动结构。




announce action 宣布采取行动

announce a decision 公布决议

announce an appointment 公布一项任命

announce date 宣布日期

announce east and strike west 声东击西

announce happy news 报喜

announce names 宣布姓名

announce sb's marriage with sb 宣布与某人结婚

announce sb's release 宣布释放某人

announce the danger to be past 宣布危险已过

announce storm 预示着暴风雨


announce abruptly 突然宣布

announce arrogantly 傲慢地宣布

announce authoritatively 授权宣布

announce blandly 平淡地宣布

announce blithely 冒失地宣布

announce brazenly 厚颜无耻地宣布

announce briskly 语气刻薄地宣布

announce clamorously 吵吵闹闹地宣布


announce as 作为…发布

announce at a meeting 在会上宣布

announce by 被…宣布

announce for 宣布支持…

announce to 向…宣布

announce with sorrow 遗憾地宣布


They officially announced the news to the reporters.他们正式向记者发布了这条新闻。

The government announced its policy to the nation at once.政府立即向全国宣布了它的政策。

He soon overcame his shyness and announced his mission to the world.他很快克服了胆怯心理,并向世界宣布了他的使命。

They announced their engagement to the family.他们向家里宣布他们已经订婚了。

He announced to his friends his engagement to Miss Alice.他向朋友们宣布他已和艾丽斯小姐订婚。

He announced to us his intention of leaving us.他向我们报告他打算离开我们。

The president has announced to us the establishment of a new institute.



announce, declare, proclaim, publish


1.从主语上说, proclaim的主语只能是权力机关或政府首脑; announce, declare和publish则既可以是权力机关或政府首脑,也可以是普通个人。

2.从宾语上说,即宣布的内容上说, announce指公众关心的,特别是具有新闻性的事件。例如:

The rise of prices of grain was announced in the papers.粮价上涨已在报上公布。


The government declared rubber a strategic and critical material.政府宣布橡胶为重要战略物资。


The founding of the United Nations was proclaimed in 1945.1945年联合国宣告成立。

3.从宣布的方法上说, announce, declare, proclaim既可指口头地,也可指书面地; 而publish则主要指印成文字地。

4.从宣布的目的上说, announce, proclaim, publish在于使众所周知; 而declare则在于使人明白。例如:

The arrested man declared himself innocent.被捕的人声称自己是无罪的。

5.从使用场合上说, proclaim用在正式场合; declare主要用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合; announce则不如proclaim和declare正式庄重,可以用于一般场合,也可用于官方正式公告。

announce to, declare to

这两个短语的共同意思是“向…宣布”。其区别在于:announce to的宣布是指对公众宣布或特定一群人所关心之事的公开和正式的宣布,例如:

He announced to them the birth of his first baby.他向他们宣布他的第一个小孩的诞生。

declare to意为作官方或个人正式的、公开有力的宣告,此宣告既清楚又明了,例如:

I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair.我向你声明,我在这件事上从来没有说过谎。



[误] He announced her his intention of going.

[正] He announced to her his intention of going.

[正] He announced his intention of going to her.

[析] announce后不能直接接双宾语,它的宾语是被宣布的内容,而不是听取宣布的人,表示“向某人宣布某事”应该说announce to sb sth 或announce sth to sb。


[误] The government has announced to restrict the import of this commodity.

[正] The government has announced that the import of this commodity is restricted.

[析] announce后既可接名词,也可接从句,但是不能直接跟不定式。


[误] He announced to me that the meeting would be held this afternoon.

[正] He announced that the meeting would be held this afternoon.

[析] announce是指向公众宣布或通知大家,而不是通知个别人。



