




vt. 1.滥用; 妄用 make bad use of sth, or use so much of sth that it harms your health; use power or knowledge unfairly or wrongly

vt. 2.虐待 physically hurt; treat a person or an animal in a cruel or violent way, especially sexually

vt. 3.辱骂 make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb

1.abuse用作动词时的意思与用作名词时大致相同。作“滥用; 妄用”解时可指滥用、妄用权力,也可指滥用药物、酗酒等以致危害健康; 作“虐待; 伤害”解时主要指肉体上的虐待、残害,尤指性虐待,也可指恶语相加、诋毁。



U S 1. 滥用; 妄用 wrong use; the use of sth in a way that is wrong or harmful

U P 2. 虐待 unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb

U 3. 辱骂; 恶语 unkind, cruel, or rude words; rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry

C 4. 陋习; 弊端 an unjust or harmful custom

1.abuse的基本意思是用言语或行动不正确地、不公平地、有伤害地对待某人或使用某物。作“滥用; 妄用”解时多带有“故意地”或“任意地”含义;作“虐待”解时尤指对儿童或无力防止者;作“辱骂; 恶语”解时可指“辱骂”行为,也可指所使用的“恶语”,尤指使用侮辱性或粗鲁的语言表示个人的不满,常暗指说话者的愤怒。

2.abuse作“滥用; 妄用”解时通常用作不可数名词,有时也用作单数名词,即其前有不定冠词a,其后有of引导的介词短语;作“虐待”解时通常用作不可数名词,有时也用作复数名词。



abuse one's authority 滥用权力

abuse one's office 滥用职权

abuse one's power 滥用权力

abuse one's privileges 滥用特权

abuse sb's confidence 辜负了某人的信任

abuse sb's kindness 辜负某人的一片好心

abuse one's eyes 使用眼睛不当

abuse people 骂人



direct abuse against 辱骂

heap abuse on sb 肆意谩骂某人

hurl abuse at 谩骂

keep abuse on 对…破口大骂

shout abuse 破口大骂

shower abuse on sb 痛骂某人

take abuse 挨骂

check abuses 防止弊病

correct an abuse 匡正时弊; 纠正陋习

curb abuses 防止弊病

eliminate abuses 根除弊端

expose contemporary social abuses 揭露社会时弊

prevent abuses 防治弊病

reform abuses 革除弊端

remedy an abuse 匡正时弊; 纠正陋习

root up abuses 根除弊端

wipe out abuses 根除弊端

put an end to abuses 废止恶习


crying abuse 亟待根除的弊端

foul-mouthed abuse 下流的谩骂

horrifying abuse 可怕的虐待

personal abuse 人身攻击

physical abuse 肉体摧残

sexual abuse 性虐待

shocking abuse 骇人听闻的虐待

verbal abuse 口头辱骂


alcohol abuse 酗酒

drug abuse 嗜毒

child abuse 虐待儿童

election abuses 选举舞弊


a shower of abuse 一顿大骂

a stream of abuse 不停地骂

a word of abuse 骂人话


abuse of authority 滥用权力

abuse of health 糟蹋健康

abuse of privileges 滥用特权

abuse of the word 被滥用的词

abuse of trust 滥用信任

abuses of the age 时弊


open to abuse

可能被滥用的 capable of being abused

All polling methods are potentially open to abuse.所有的民意调查方法都有可能被滥用。

I'm afraid the position is open to abuse.恐怕这个职位容易使人滥用职权。

There is no freedom that is not open to abuse.没有不被滥用的自由。


关于abuse的可数性,有人认为作“滥用”解时是不可数名词和单数名词,作“虐待”解时是不可数名词和复数名词; 也有人认为作此二解时均为不可数名词和单数名词。

[派生词] abuser n. 辱骂的人‖abusive adj. 辱骂的; 恶语的; 诽谤的; 虐待的

[同义词] n. imposition, improper use, misapplication, misuse, unfair use,cruelty, harming, ill-use, injury, maltreatment, mistreatment,criticism, cursing, defamation, harsh language, insulting language, insults, reproach, scolding, slander v. harm, hurt, ill-treat, ill-use, impose upon, injure, maltreat, mistreat, misuse, use improperly,criticize, curse, defame, denounce, insult, reproach, scold, slander, speak harshly to, speak ill of

[反义词] n. praise, compliment, flattery v. care for, protect, respect, compliment, flatter, praise, speak well of, sweet-talk




